Let me tell you about an outstanding young student at Farwell Elementary School in Lewiston, ME. His name is Jasper and he just completed his first grade this year.
I work as an Ed Tech III/BHP within the RISE program (Reaching Independence through Systematic Education) for special education services at Farwell Elementary School. Some students that I work with spend time in their general education classroom to have time with peers of the same grade level. It was in spending time in first grade that I met Jasper.
Jasper throughout the year has sought me out during recess to spend about five minutes of his play time to hang out and visit with me. He has always been noticeably polite, kind, patient, and carries an emotional intelligence that makes him stand out from his peers. The students that I work with look up to him as a mentor and friend. I am not just tooting his horn with this! I have observed him perpetually making good decisions and being a kind friend to the other students. Even when there is a substitute teacher and most of the first grade is pushing the limits; Jasper will sit patiently and wait for the chaos to be extinguished without chiming in on the unruly behaviors.
If this alone wasn’t enough to create a shout out for him then let me tell you some more about Jasper. He is just seven years old and after being in the United States for a meager five years; he has already mastered the English Language with his diligent hard work and has tested out of the ML (multi-lingual services) program at his school.
On June 7th of this year (2024), Jasper achieved his United States Citizenship.
He came with his family from Rwanda where they experienced much violence, some ending in loss of life of family members, and close calls for other family members. His family made the brave choice to change this. They left and first went to Australia. Jasper was born in Australia as his family sought safety. When Jasper was two years old they moved in with family in Maine until they could get themselves established. His father has skills with IT and works in that field, and his mother went to college to reach her goals.
The strength demonstrated by his family has not been lost on Jasper. He demonstrates great leadership, compassion, and intelligence. Jasper has a promising future and I am grateful to see someone so young that is a great gift to our community.
Jasper, a shining star.